Friday, November 6, 2015


Dear parents and students,

Our school is having a late start on Tuesday November 10,2015. We will be coming to school at 10:40 instead of 8:40.Tell your kid(s) to enjoy sleeping in for the extra 2 hours.  



Baby Guessing

Baby Guessing

Mrs. Sims Let us guess how much her Baby, Leo would weigh,how long he’d be and what time he’d be born. whoever is closest gets a prize ( we don’t know  what it will be).

Here are our guesses:


Thursday, November 5, 2015

Mrs. Hight, Our Backup Substitute

Mrs. Hight, Our Backup Substitute

Mrs. Hight will be our substitute teacher if Mrs. Sims has her baby earlier than she is expects! We have seen her many times befor she has subbed because Mrs. Sims has had baby appointments she has subbed two or three times! We all enjoy her subbing for us. We all believe that she enjoys subbing for us!

She is a awesome sub because she always follows Mrs. Sims rules on the paper she writes! She is so nice, she always is! She is very good at understanding the instructions gifted by Mrs. Sims.  If Mrs.Sims has her baby early we are looking forward to having her!!!


Thanksgiving Turkey Bulletin Board

Here at Sni-A-Bar the teachers decided that we could make feathers for a turkey for Thanksgiving.Next we got all our supplies and went over to Mrs.Liddles classroom and Mrs.Sims told us to pair up.Then we picked our partners to share a desk with them.After that we colored our wings.Later in the school year we are going to put them on a turkey.

Thanksgiving break starts on November 25,2015 and ends on November 27,2015 we get two days of break to prey or meet with family or friends.Happy Thanksgiving!!


Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Blue River Watershed

Blue River Watershed
On November 2nd, 2015 people from Blue River Watershed came in and taught fifth grade about the blue river. When one of the people came in she had a mini plastic display of a town except with 2 houses, the building that takes out all of the gross stuff out of the water,and the last building was the building that cleans and purifies the water so we can drink water, take a bath or shower, and wash dishes with clean water. As she was teaching she taught us what rain does to the ground if you use too much fertilizer or if you don't clean up their dog’s poop. She used kool-aid and hot chocolate to represent the feces, urine and dirt. On November 4th she came back and we got to use chemicals and test tubes. So far we have had a lot of fun when she comes in and we hope we keep having fun as she comes in until November 6th then it will be the last day. :( 

By Allison

Our Up Coming Events: Mornings with Mom and DARE Graduation

D.A.R.E Grad, Mornings w/ Mom
On November Twenty fourth our morning will be really busy. First, at 7:45 am we will have Morning´s with Mom. We will have doughnuts, chocolate milk, and other morning beverage´s. Unfortunately we have to go back to the classroom, but parents are welcome to go with us.

                                                                     Then 5th grade will have their D.A.R.E graduation!
It will start at 9:40 am. Parent´s are also welcome to come to that. It will include…

-The winner of the D.A.R.E essay

- our D.A.R.E song

-  dogs

Then we will go on with our day!
                           -  Holly


Royal Blue Snow Day

Royals Snow Day

On the date of November 2nd Mrs Sims had to leave at a half day for a baby appointment. So we had a sub the rest of the day. Well, the Royals had just won the world series and on the 3rd there was the parade for the Royals. 
If on the 3rd we would of had school the attendance would be terrible. So, when we had the sub on the 2nd Miss Liddle came in and told us to "not freak out but school is canceled due to the royals parade the attendance would be bad." 
When she said "don't freak out", EVERYBODY thought Miss Liddle was going to say that Mrs. Sims was in labor. But she didn't have the baby, she is still pregnant.

11 out of 21 kids from our class went to the parade. That is over 50% of our class. It is a good thing we didn't have school.
