Wednesday, April 22, 2015


During one of the days when we had the MAP test we got to do an expeirement. Everybody got a partner, we had to measure all sorts of stuff from measuring how long one floor tile is to measuring the distance between a fourth grade classroom to a third grade classroom. Some groups had to stop for a while so everybody else could catch up, it took a while to get there but everybody made it! We learned that instead of sliding the tape measurer we could just flip it over and over. At the end we had to multiply 152 with how many we measured, it's fun to be able to do fun hands on stuff like that so we can learn through activities. Everybody just loves doing stuff like that and it's a lot more fun to do activities instead of reading it out of a book and then doing a worksheet because we actually get to experience and see it happen with our own eyes. Mrs.Sims is really good at making learning fun for everyone.

Jonah Werges

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