In science we were learning about the five vertebrates. The teacher thought instead of doing a boring presentation on paper, we would make a technical presentation with In these projects we were split into five groups. Each group was chosen a vertebrate to present with their prezi.The five vertebrates we studied were amphibians,reptiles,birds,fish, and mammals.The requirments were to have where is there habitat,are they born alive or cycle,if they breath in their lungs or gills,and the body covering.
In this projects we learned about vertebrates in a very fun way.In this project we learned to use habit six:synergize. The teacher thought that it would be best if we would do a fun project while using the 7 habits with others. So basically we got schooled by our 5th grade teacher Mrs.Sims.So we got schooled by our teacher, IN SCHOOL!!!
In conclusion, all of us learned about how to work together and still have a learning expirence. This shows to every student that thinks school stinks is wrong. Ask Mrs.Sims class if school is fun. They will all say it is with Mrs.sims.
-Abi :)