Friday, August 30, 2013

Social Studies Investigations

We started our Social Studies Unit on Native Americans this week. To kick off the unit, students worked in groups to explore different resources and preview to predict what we will be learning about. The students really enjoyed going from station to station and exploring the many places we can get information. Check out their learning below:
Fiction and Nonfiction library books

Newspaper and Magazine Articles


Indoor Recess Today

Today we are staying inside for recess, becouse of how humid it is. But also there was an ozone alert, so that is why.

By JaydenY.
Volunteer Round Up
Are you interested in getting involved at your child’s school? 
 Not sure how you can help?
Sni-A-Bar Elementary will be hosting a Volunteer Roundup to talk about opportunities to get involved. We hope to see you here!
Thursday, September 5th beginning at 6PM at Sni-A-Bar Elementary
Research shows parent involvement improves student learning.  Show your child his school life is important by making it part of your life as well.

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Yesterday our class got a big gift from focus for grain valley, they gave us dictionarys AND thesauruses. Its amazing that we get to keep these as we go to middle schools and years to come. We all are happy to have theses as a gift. Brooke  just wanted to let you know. Thanks. 

                                                                                                           -Mrs. Sims class:):):)

Wednesday, August 28, 2013


Aragog the class tarantula just arrived yesterday . She is still getting use to us but she is a great class pet. I, Louis, am learning all about Aragog and then will be teaching my classmates about how to take care of Aragog.
Rose Hair Tarantula- a gift to Mrs. Sims's class from Petland!

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Fire drill

Cole and Anna wanted to let the parents know that we had a fire drill. We talked about the different fire drill procedures in class. Our class will be prepared if a fire ever did happen in school.

Friday, August 23, 2013

Leadership Notebooks

Today we have stared our Leader in me notebooks. In the notebooks we record our about ourselves.  Basically the notebook is about us being leaders and our leadership roles. Like this is some of our data we are collecting:

(Reading Stamina)

(Fact Fluency)
Also in the notebook we are always and mostly writing about us. We also wrote about our class leadership roles and jobs today. 

-Sierra & Trent

Our Mission Statement

In our school we are learning about Leader in Me. Our class has different leadership roles. Everybody is participating in helping our classroom out with the special roles. For example Artist Design, Bulletin Board Design, and Lunch Account. All of Sni –A -Bar is helping to put students in leadership roles so they we can practice leading each other. Here is the mission statement we wrote this week.

This is our Class Mission Statement:

In our class we come to school to learn so we can have a successful career.

We practice being good role models and team players.

We must have independence to be independent.

We Are Leaders.

-Anna & Cole (Class Announcers)

Practice Post

WE are posting this to practice blogging.

Tuesday, August 6, 2013